creating the new curve for humanity

The Metaphysics of The Highly Gifted Brain

The Metaphysics of The Highly Gifted Brain

A NEW 30 minute film to gift you the keys to unlock the true purpose of your rare brain - which less than 2% of humans have

Are You Influencing the Story of Humanity As Fully As You Want?

🌟 Those in the top 2% of intellectual + creative intrinsic potential are the ones who create the future

Humanity's highest evolution needs you...

at LEAST as much as your heart craves to

experience that highest evolution inside yourself.

Fully liberate that amazing brain of yours.

Tap into your ENTIRE unique potential.

🌟 The early builders are being called in now through their hearts to develop the new society for all...

Are you one of them? 🌟

This film is for those feeling the inner pulsing of something momentous that wants to be made real.

This 30 minute film provides the COMPLETE blueprint to the esoteric design of the highly gifted human at this turning of the ages on Earth.

you gifted brain works very differently from most people's:

It is the key to the lock inside you.

You came here, into this human life, with a purpose to express, to embody your unique essence with artistry and passion.

That is why you gave yourself that beautiful big brain.

We gifted humans simply want to use and thereby experience ALLLL that we are.

We cannot be happy until we do.

create the new curve for humanity


Why productivity + flow guidance doesn't work for the highly gifted

Born with a radically different intellectual and creative potential, you are less than 2% of the population. Nothing is designed for you. Society doesn't understand you. It definitely wants what you have to give though! 🤣

Even the dedicated research-based productivity and flow science teachers don't understand where the research actively works against the highly gifted. It's time to fix that by unlocking the full metaphysics of your brain.


How to fully call in and design your biggest creations

Whether you've just sold your company, launched your kids, wrapped a major creative project, or ended a relationship, there is a feeling of pause within you. Of the gathering of something new coiling inside.

The risk is that you dilute it accidentally by using the wrong methods to access what is gestating inside you right now.

There is a far easier way to create what you want than how you've done it in the past.


Create an open flowthrough and throughline in every aspect of your day to day and big picture

Creating and building the new is what we are designed for with this special brain type.

When this brain isn't correctly connected with your heart and your unique infinite essence, efforts become harder and stickier; clarity dulls and blurs away.


Correctly corral the firehose of your many brilliant and compelling ideas into actual results that create joy

Everything until now has actually only been a prologue. You feel the truth of that, as stunning as it sounds given all you've already accomplished.

Your greatest work lies within you to be uncovered and remembered and experienced.

Liberate your gifted brain

This short film provides the complete blueprint for understanding your unique gifted brain and the metaphysical and esoteric role it wants to play in this human life.

It is the most refined distillation of Melanie's entire body of work into one resource for you.

Because you are needed now more than ever. Needed by yourself at least much as by humanity, the planet, and the Cosmos.

You gave yourself that magnificent brain for a reason. Don't you want to find out why?

Meet Melanie

Melanie Gillespie, MBA is the global expert on the highly gifted brain and how to unlock its true potential and purpose in service of our beautiful planet.

She is also an esoteric mystic guided to bring together science + spirit, research + magic in support of helping humanity reconnect with the Earth for this incredible turning of the ages.

  • 30 years of real world leadership across multiple sectors managing 8+ figures

  • Tens of thousands of hours in private consultation with thousands of highly gifted humans guiding them to everything they came into this life to experience and remember

  • Freely offered hundreds of hours of Transmissions and teachings about the evolutionary shift of humanity into Homo Lumens and the design of this Cosmos

  • A multi-passionate polymath, like many highly gifted humans, Melanie is also a published author of fantasy fiction that uplifts the heart and awakens the inner starmaps as well as a painter.

Melanie Gillespie, MBA, global expert on the gifted brain, shown with a lake and trees in the background

Melanie lives on a magical Lake which called her to move there for this phase of her work in support of Earth's evolutionary journey. She is happiest in and around its waters, playing with the trees, the moss, and in the meadows.

what do people say?


radical upgrades

After I sold my company, I was exhausted but proud. I knew there was something I wanted to do next, but I didn't know what. Now I not only know what that is but I have the inner systems to create it in a far easier way than all I've created before. THANK YOU, Melanie!


melanie is magic!

Melanie is part Wendy from Billions, part Galadriel from Lord of The Rings, and part Willy Wonka!

I love everything she offers!


I feel liberated!

It's been amazing!

A lot of really great things have happened and I'm feeling even more hopeful and confident than ever before!

I'm starting my new film project now and its flowing in a way I never believed I could have!


I was skeptical..

Honestly I think the biggest thing spiritually for me, because I'm not a religious person, but learning how to pull in energy from the universe and to channel that inside of me...

it's fu*king everything!


Opened my eyes!

I knew I was gifted, but I didn't identify as that being any issue in my life except for, you know, grease on my wheels to get where I want to go.


changed my life

All of the things I was looking to address, change or didn’t
even think I had the power to change, really seemingly magically resolved!


True magic!

It is magic BUT IT’S REAL, grounded magic that we can all
learn to do and we all have the ability to do.



This was the greatest gift I could have given to myself. Really. I can’t say that about any other training I’ve taken, workshop I’ve taken, retreats I’ve gone on!

You came into this life to experience and create something

entirely new

We are at the critical turning point in the evolution of humanity.

What experience does your soul most deeply crave?

What legacy do you want to leave behind when you are done here?

  • Fully liberate that amazing brain of yours.

  • Tap into your ENTIRE unique potential.

  • BECOME THE NEW CURVE! Humanity and The Earth need you now!


multimillion $ Biz

When I came in I was feeling rudderless!

I had a multimillion dollar/year business for 18 years, that just didn't feel like me!

So much growth and expansion has happened! The blending of the science and the woo is really strong and all those pieces got to me a much higher level!


no more Coaches?

I highly recommend you, Melanie, I just adore you and love you.

I said to myself, I wasn't gonna take any more programs, but when I found you, I was like, oh, I do have to work with this person!



The whole me!

I kept saying, there's something going on, there's something holding me back. And I did not realize that my giftedness was really it. To get someone like you who gets me on a whole level, so you're not just addressing, you know, the arm or the leg, you're getting my whole mind/body/business piece is so important to me.


Spouse loves THIS!

My partner said "It's like you somehow read and ingested all the Buddhist texts and The Art of War without me knowing! 🤣

I've been thinking about and this course everyday for the past six months. I've been steady, smooth, firm, not taking any bullshit in my handling of things and I know I did not have these skills before I worked with you.


practical magic!

Melanie helped me navigate c-Suite Machiavellian politics despite my burnout, helped me heal, and I got a massive promotion and increased my income by 40%.

And now I'm set up with a clear exit plan from corporate entirely, on MY OWN TERMS and into creating the work I most deeply dream about.

Melanie's combination of practical and esoteric guidance is like nothing else on Earth!


Living My DReam!

I was really distraught. I literally couldn’t do anything other than sleep. I was so completely burnt out that it was impacting our household, my kids, my husband. I just couldn’t continue that way. I felt like I would die.

I just want to tell you thank you. I feel like what I’ve learned here is something that I will use for a lifetime.

Now I am doing all the things I was trying to do! I’m finally living the ‘artist lifestyle’ I’ve dreamed of!


legacy protected!


I was on track to lose my company, be fully kicked out.

You helped me not only keep my job but now I am the major stakeholder of the company!

This company was my dream to help the world and now I can stay the course for long term results without the toxic Wall Street and VC pressure of short term ROI. I cannot thank you enough!


My inner starlight!

Before now, I have never met anyone who gets me like you do. You are mind exploding!

I am stunned by the sense of spaciousness you have helped me to create in a seemingly impossibly short period of time!

The Metaphysics of The Highly Gifted Brain

a new short documentary film about those in the top 2% of intellectual and creative intrinsic potential.

Ensuring the most highly gifted humans on the planet fully evolve into what they truly came here to be

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